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Username Post: Antifreeze leak when below freezing        (Topic#376225)
Posts: 27

Reg: 01-23-21
01-11-25 05:15 PM - Post#2876992    

I have a 47 Chevy pickup with a 1991 305. When the temperature gets below 20 degrees in the barn and where lives it is prone to antifreeze leaks from above the starter, so from the right rear of the engine. It doesn’t appear to leak at any other time including when running and at operating temperature.

The antifreeze mix is appropriate for the weather here and it has not frozen in the block. Thanks in advance for any advice

63 Biscayne
396, 4 speed


Frequent Contributor
Posts: 2361
Loc: No. Virginia
Reg: 01-18-13
01-11-25 06:19 PM - Post#2876996    
    In response to Sober63

Could be a freeze plug leaking. Perhaps from one in the back of the engine covered up by the bellhousing?

Those leaks can be 'dripping' and often 'burn off' while running; or simply falling on the road. They show themselves when the car is sitting still.

Just a possibility.



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