Posts: 2
Reg: 12-14-24
12-30-24 12:07 PM - Post#2876649
I'm in search of a replacement or repair service recommendation for a 3-9747698 on a 1968 Impala. I'm pretty capable of a DYI but the hub has 4 huge cracks in it. May be too far gone for a pro?
Posts: 217

Loc: East Bay, Ca
Reg: 10-02-02
12-30-24 12:35 PM - Post#2876651
In response to Busman71
There are a few restorations on the forums/ pretty well documented. search N30 steering wheel restore.
1968 impala with lots of custom stuff |
Edited by impalaman1 on 12-30-24 12:36 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
"9th Year" Gold Supporting Member
Posts: 1517

Loc: Western NY
Reg: 06-15-02
01-03-25 10:12 PM - Post#2876783
In response to Busman71
I haven't used the service but this guy, Bob, seems to do very nice work based on the photos and comments. He does give pricing:
I think the issue with the Impala wheel is it looks like the epoxy or plastic shrinks and forms gaps which means if they're filled the progression of the nubs won't be correct. Years ago when I got my car I decided to wrap the wheel in leather. I haven't done one in a while but by the third one I did I was getting good enough that the results looked like they could have been OE wrapped. The Impala didn't have the option but I kept it as a thin wheel,without building it up with a wrap under the leather, and it seems to visually work with the car.
I had an extra standard steering wheel someplace. I know it was cracked or shrunk as well bet if I can find it maybe I can tell if the gaps are due to shrinking. If yes it would be interesting to hear what Bob in the link says. He does mention typical severe issues in his pricing structure.