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Username Post: 1964 Malibu center console auto        (Topic#373481)
Posts: 6

Reg: 05-16-23
07-20-23 12:59 PM - Post#2860508    

I am looking for a 1964 center console, AUTOMATIC, for a 1964 Malibu. would like to buy new replacement but can't locate one.I don't know if any company makes one? Anybody out there know where I can pick one up? If not, a used one in good shape will do. I have seen some but very pitted. Thanks, GaryKid


Posts: 40
Reg: 10-10-18
09-30-23 12:21 PM - Post#2862983    
    In response to GaryKid

OPGI makes a replacement for the 64 and 65. they are made out of heavy chrome plated plastic...

Posts: 6

Reg: 05-16-23
12-16-23 07:52 AM - Post#2864993    
    In response to Bowtieman31

Went on OPGI and could not find an AUTOMATIC console. do you have the part number or could you send me the link to the console?


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